What we do to show others things about who we are when it comes to gender.
Gender expression is about our behaviour and ways we show ourselves to the world with regards to our gender.
These are some of the words often used to describe gender expression:
Gender non-confirming
Gender fluid
And more...
The words we use to describe our gender expression are part of our gender identity.
Different cultures have different norms for gender expression and what is appropriate or customary for people based on gender.
These norms change with time and there are always people within cultures who challenge the norms of the time and place.
There's no right way to express gender!
Did you know...

During Victorian times in the US, the color pink was seen as a strong color to be worn by boys, but blue was seen as soft and gentle and therefore for girls.
Clothing colors help people know how to treat a baby, since most babies' appearance is not gendered otherwise, but that feeds the norms and expectations of how people should express themselves.
Some people experience their gender as non-binary, neither man nor woman, neither boy nor girl.
They may express it non-binary too, mixing things often coded in society to one gender or another.
Some people are attracted to non-binary gender people and their expression.
Some people experience their gender as most comfortable non-comforming to societal expectations.
Gender (not gender/sex) was invented as a way to socialize people but it is not innate.
We are who we are and we want to be.
We can express our gender however we want.
The pup, BDSM, and LGBTQIA+ communities have plenty of room in them for all of us and our diverse gender expressions.
There's room for people who are hyper-masculine, hyper-feminine, androgynous, gender-bending, gender-*!#@ers, non-binary, gender-non-conforming, and EVERYONE!
Things you can do to create gender safety and make space for all gender expressions:
Shut down gender-shaming and gender-stigmatizing when you hear people do it.
Celebrate people's choices to show us who they are authentically.
Question your biases, assumptions, and judgements about others' gender expression.
Ask what folks need from you to feel safe and be themselves around you.
Social Media Post to Share with Friends.
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Support Pup Cooper is a coach and educator who helps pups and kinksters with their sexuality and relationships. He can support all kinds of goals, like improving your sex life, getting more from your relationships, understanding yourself, exploring kink and pup life, and more!
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