But you’re being held back by a storm of fears, uncertainties, or possible rejection? It's okay, we've all been there. Your concerns are completely valid and pretty common actually. I’m here to give you some tools before getting into this amazing but sometimes intimidating community.
Are you curious about Kink, Puppy Play or BDSM...
The “25 things you MUST know before getting into Kink and Puppy Play” digital guide. It’s a compilation of my best advice for people who are new or inexperienced in Kink, Puppy Play and BDSM practices. What’s the best part? IT’S COMPLETELY FREE!
I have the perfect resource for you
Inside this FREE guide you’ll find tips to handle some of the most common concerns and fears newcomers have when entering this world. Everything from personal safety, consent, power dynamics, to relationships and so much more!

In addition to receiving your free guide, you’ll also get access to:
Q&A sessions
I'll personally address your fears, concerns, and uncertainties, offering support and guidance every step of the way.
Exclusive content
Packed with wisdom, encouragement and advice from yours truly, to ease your worries and ensure your safety as you embark on this thrilling journey.
Special offers
Amazing discounts for products, events and other services within the Support Pup Community.

What are you waiting for?
Claim your “25 things you MUST know before getting into Kink and Puppy Play” free guide NOW and start exploring your sexuality with confidence and safety.